Conscious breathwork and overwhelm
Jul 15, 2020A lot of people are really struggling in the world to a huge degree. First of all with lockdown, and now coming out of lockdown.
How are you coping with it all? Have you been feeling overwhelmed?
Perhaps you’ve been at home managing children, work and everything else that comes with it.
Maybe you’ve been out of work with uncertainty about when - or even if - you can return. And therefore you’re feeling stressed and anxious about finances.
Whatever your circumstance, stress and overwhelm will have shown their face at some point during the last four months.
This is where Conscious Breathwork can make a profound impact on your life, to enable you to be utterly functional in this world in a powerful, beautiful way. But it requires discipline. Much like cleaning your teeth!
Did you clean your teeth this morning? My guess is that you did. You know that you need to maintain the practice of brushing your teeth for good health. And so you do it.
When you understand what breathwork can do for your whole system - clarifying the mind and emotions, keeping the body and mind open and flowing. You begin to build a disciplined practice. Just like cleaning your teeth. Just like drinking water. It becomes something you know you need to maintain good health and wellbeing. And so you do it.
How do we know that this stuff actually works?
Well, there is a lot of evidence emerging (check out the Heart Math Institute) in terms of how the brain, as well as the most electromagnetic organ in the body - the heart - and also the gut - the gut feeling, need to work together coherently.
When the brain is stressed and overwhelmed and out of sync with the heart and gut, we end up with disease. And we end up with poor decision making.
So on top of the stress and overwhelm that already exists, we add more to that, we add more problematic physiology, which creates more and more issues for ourselves, both physically and mentally.
A big part of the solution to this is Conscious Breathwork. Because one of things that it gives us is this coherent relationship between the head, the heart, and the gut.
When we are able to land in comfort and ease in the breath, we can just take one breath and it is enough to pull us out of overwhelm. It takes time and practice, of course - but it is possible when you practice in a systematic way.
A systematic method is where you start with the basics and you gradually build up your capacity over time, beginning from a very yin base to a stronger and more powerful practice, as your body opens up.
Imagine running a 26 mile marathon with no training. It wouldn’t work and it would hurt! Well, it’s the same principal with Conscious Breathwork. You have to train in an intelligent way - with awareness.
The training I take people through, switches on all of the anatomy in a conscious and aware way, gradually building power, strength and flexibility in those structures, so that you can go deeper into the breathwork and build a powerful, strong practice that you can integrate into your life.
And that’s what systematics gives you, an integrated practice that you can implement in daily life and use throughout the course of the day.
One of the other things that conscious breathwork does is slow down your experience of time - where time almost comes to a standstill. It enables you to come into the awareness space and feel the slowness of time.
In overwhelm, time goes really fast. Everything happens so quickly, and there isn’t space. We are adrenalised, there’s this thing, that thing, the next thing and the next thing and the next thing.
If we can stay in conscious breath through the process of overwhelm, we are cultivating the tools to look after our own nervous system, body and mind. It is empowering.
To summarise, if you want to work effectively with overwhelm and reduce stress, and find resilience and build wellness in your system, then ultimately, you’re going to need to start a Conscious Breathwork practice.
If you want to find out more, try one of my courses or live classes, please do get in touch. I would love to hear from you. And I would love to help you now, feel and understand just how much conscious breathwork can transform your life.
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