Why Conscious Breathwork (Part 3) - My Personal Journey

Jul 11, 2020

I started a regular (daily) breath practice because after practising I felt different. I was in psycho-emotional distress, I was in physical pain. Gradually I felt better, clearer, happier and stronger. I started to access new levels of self-belief and creativity.

Since starting conscious breathwork I have continuously studied and learnt, I’ve founded businesses, written fourteen books and taught thousands of people to go deep in finding their core-identity.

Who do I still practice?

Because along with my meditation practice and practices of embodied awareness, conscious breathwork is helping me age well and gracefully. I'm feeling strong and powerful at over sixty and loving life more than ever.

Every day is a day of delight, whatever else is happening, the joy of living right here, right now, is always to be found. Every breath is full, flooded with ecstatic delight. That's a good enough reason for me to continue the journey of learning from the breath.

My conscious journey with the breath has been rolling for over forty years now. It’s still new.

Of course there are many reasons why you would embark on a journey of conscious breathwork.

What are yours? Please do share them with me.

The Art of Conscious Breathwork - a new online course coming soon!

I have a wonderful new online course launching on 20 July - it has 25 beautiful and profound breathwork practices to learn and weave into your life. It is unique. It is transformative. And I passionately believe it is for everyone.

You can find out more about this course and purchase here.

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